Thursday, August 22, 2013

Week 5 Reboot

I have regained 2.8 lbs over the last 5 days. I'm not sure why exactly, but I have some ideas :

1) Not as much cardio since my shoulder got hurt.  It turns out that it's tendonitis and I'm taking some anti-inflammatories and am scheduled for a cortisone injection on the 26th.  So nothing super serious. I quit doing Just Dance, so I've only been getting about 40 minutes of cardio from my 5k training.  So I'm going to double up on the walking/running and add some cycling even though my bike makes me nervous.

2) I have been eating a bit more than normal. Instead of stopping when I get to feeling "satiated" and putting the rest in the fridge (like I was getting really good at doing) I've been polishing off what's left on the bowl or plate.  So my calories are up by about 10%.

3) I drink a lot of Diet Coke, 6-8 cans a day.  I've heard all different reports of how this can affect weight loss.  I know it has caffeine which causes water retentions as well as artificial sweeteners which some say also cause water retention.  And then there are some that just straight say diet coke causes actual weight gain.  I don't know what's true and what's not true but I do know I can't go cold turkey without getting killer caffeine headaches.  So here's the plan I'm going to cutback to 3 a day.  One in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the early evening. 

So those are my three reasonable explanations. I'm going to reboot this week and hopefully there's enough time left before Saturday to still see a loss this week.  Cross your fingers!!

Week 5 : 21 lbs down, 159 lbs to go
Current Weight : 304 lbs
Start Weight : 327 lbs
Goal Weight : 145 lbs

1 comment:

  1. Diet drinks are just worst than the regular drinks. I try as much as I can to look up on the ingredient list of stuff I buy. Surprising all the chemical in the food!

    Have a good one!

